Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hair is way overrated

After being apprehensive every time I washed my hair, Thursday is the day it decided to start falling out. We aren't talking a few hairs here and there, we are talking clumps of hair in my hand as I shampooed. Sam and I had already talked about me shaving my head when this happened and him cutting his hair into a mohawk. Now those of you who know him, know he doesn't do his hair; for the 9 years we have been together he has gotten one real haircut, at a barber shop...for our wedding. So him doing his hair every morning is pretty remarkable.

Thursday night when Sam got home from karate, he buzzed my hair, then I buzzed his. In the morning when Ellie saw us her response was laughter and "your hair is so silly mama, just like daddy's is"

Friday morning I searched YouTube for ways to tie a scarf and found a great website with 50 ways to tie a scarf :) I will be rocking the headscarves since my wig makes my head hot in this weather. And I will post more pictures when my peach fuzz falls out (which it seems to be doing pretty rapidly)

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