So much for being good about updating on a regular basis. Oh well, here it goes. In the past four months Ellie has had a quiet a few adventures, we've been to the LA Zoo, the Aquarium of the Pacific, the California Science Center, an Angel Game, a UCLA football game, the LA County Fair (twice) She is very much a social butterfly, and is so curious anytime we are somewhere new. Her eyes get wide and she cannot stop looking around at everyone and everything, an she won't go to sleep if there is someone nearby willing to play with her, heaven forbid she should miss something.
In terms of firsts, she is rolling over non-stop and has started doing the inchworm crawl where she scrunches up her legs and then pushes her chest forward, she is constantly smiling and giggling at anyone who will talk to her. She loves toys that crinkle and loves to put everything in her mouth. She is trying really hard to sit up by herself and to talk, she is sooo expressive.
Many times I look at her and just want to scoop her up and kiss her all over despite the fact that she is sleeping. Sam and I frequently look at each other and just gush over how cute she is. Parenthood is completely indescribable and I wouldn't change it for the world!
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